Knowledge & News

Iconic Sounds - Yamaha DX7 Bass
The Yamaha DX7 was the worlds first affordable(ish) digital synth, and as a result is found all over the 1980's in nearly all genres. It was very difficult to program, so most artists just used the...

Iconic Sounds - Roland JP-8000
Occasionally an instrument or sound comes along that becomes so ubiquitous that it helps define a genre and moment in time. This week we'll explore the Roland JP-8000.

Music and Moods - The Science of The Drop
If you wore guyliner (or eyeliner) with shiny boot cut pants and know what the Palace in Hollywood smelled like before it got turned into Avalon, break out your glowsticks and let this lesson in dr...

Music and Moods - The Scientifically Proven Calming Playlist
In 2011 some scientists played the following playlist to a study group while having their hips replaced while awake (they had spinal anesthesia, so they weren't complete maniacs), and ocean noises ...