Knowledge & News
Acoustic Treatment
Common Pro Studio Attributes (Part Four) - Bass Management is Foundational
Most of the difficulty in recording and mixing happens below 1kHz where the fundamentals of most instruments are fighting it out, and especially below 400Hz in the mud of the mix, which is below t...
Acoustic Treatment
Soundproofing 101
Acoustic treatment and soundproofing are two different things. Acoustic treatment will make your room sound great, but will not keep sound in or out of your studio. Meaningful soundproofing require...
Acoustic Treatment
Common Pro Studio Attributes (Part Three) - Pro Studios Are Oddly Shaped
The biggest challenge that we need to overcome with our home studios is that for the most part, the rooms in our homes are cubes. I would challenge anyone to find a place in nature that’s a cube. P...
Acoustic Treatment
Common Pro Studio Attributes (Part Two) - Not Padded Cells
Overdoing absorption without adequate bass management seems to be the cardinal sin of home studios.
Acoustic Treatment
Common Pro Studio Attributes (Part One) - They're Usually Big
When discussing acoustics and learning about them, pro studios are a good place to start, because the physics of sound are very predictable, so if you emulate what they're doing, your room will sou...
Acoustic Treatment
Where to Install Eco Acoustic Treatment
Where you should install the panels is determined by your listening position. Your listening position is the “sweet spot,” the place your ears will be most of the time when you’re listening or mixi...
Acoustic Treatment
How Many Acoustic Panels - An Explainer
The number of acoustic panels you need will depend on what your goals are. Every room is different, so acoustic treatment strategies will vary. It’s up to you to determine what your space needs most.
Acoustic Treatment
The Technical Design Philosophy of De-Fi Eco Acoustic Treatment
De-Fi Eco Acoustic Treatment is different than much of what you'll see from other companies. There's not only environmental reasons for these differences, but technical ones as well. Through breaki...
Acoustic Treatment
Eco Acoustic Panels - Building a Better Room
Ever wonder why studio mix rooms have canvas or wood rectangles stuck to the walls? Those are acoustic panels (also known as acoustic treatment) — and if you’re an artist or producer who wants to w...
Acoustic Treatment
Audio Reflections 101
It’s pretty obvious why movie theaters aren’t in halls of mirrors, the reflections of light and image everywhere would be overwhelming, and it would be impossible to focus on the intent of the film...